About Me

This is me:

  • Writer, blogger, mum, teacher, wife, friend, columnist, neighbour, city girl, country girl (in no particular order)
  • I blog to document parts of my life that I believe others will relate to. One day I will turn it into a book. One day.
  • I am addicted to online shopping!
  • I like the sound of my own voice. Not literally. But that's how I justify telling little stories about myself week after week after week...
  • I think I am a great mum, and a great teacher, but not both at the same time. That's why I've stopped full time work again. Still trying to figure out how that makes me feel.
  • I now write a weekly column in the Queensland Country Life newspaper too!
These are my kids:

And actually, this picture really captures who they really all are!
  • These are my reasons for breathing. I breathe for other reasons too, actually, but these guys are pretty amazing.
And this is CP, my hubby, the Farmer.

He's not too shabby really. And he's my motivation for blogging most of the time. Even though we have the ability to fight like cats and dogs. I still love him.

The Story (in a nutshell):
  • I spent the first 12 years of my life on 20 acres of 'farm land' in Northern New South Wales, Australia.
  • I then spent the next 11 years in larger communities, cities and even travelling the world.
  • In 2001 I moved to St George - Western Queensland - to take up a teaching post. I thought it would last 6 months. 12 years later I am still here. Still not a local (may not really ever be), but have a bred a few locals of my own. (See picture above). I am a trained high school teacher, but am a more experienced stay-at-home mum.
Jess xxx